Dynamic simulation for FGRS design and controllability analysis
In this study, a dynamic model of a flare gas recovery system (FGRS) with a high-pressure eductor compression system was developed in a dynamic simulation for process design verification, control scheme evaluation and an availability study.
Oriental Petrochemical Co. Ltd.:
Chou, Y.
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The Authors
Chou, Y. - Oriental Petrochemical Co. Ltd., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Ying-Hsiu Chou specializes in steady-state and dynamic simulation modeling. She previously was a project engineer in the intelligent manufacturing department of CTCI Advanced System Inc. (CTCI ASI) in Taiwan. She now works as a project engineer for Oriental Petrochemical Co. Ltd.
Hong, T. - CTCI Advanced Systems Inc., CTCI Advanced Systems Inc., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Te-Yao Hong is a consultant for CTCI Advanced Systems Inc. (CTCI ASI). After retiring from CTCI ASI in 2008, he began consulting for the company with technique support of process design, control, steady-state and dynamic simulation projects. Mr. Hong earned a BS degree in chemical engineering from National Cheng Kung University and an MS degree in chemical engineering from National Taiwan University.
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