Flexibility in desalting operations for opportunity crudes
Typically, opportunity crudes require more rigorous desalting to yield high-quality products due to high levels of naphthenic acids, basic sediment and water (BS&W) and filterable solids, among others.
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The Authors
Mejias, I. - Forum Process Technologies, Houston, Texas
Dr. Isis Mejias is a Process and Busines Development Manager at FPT. Dr. Mejias has more than 10 yr of experience in technology development for water treatment and in process design for the petrochemical industry, including modeling, experimental studies and complex data analysis of adsorption and desalting technologies for water and crude oil treatment.
Liu, Y. - Forum Process Technologies, Houston, Texas
Dr. Yi Liu is a Senior Process Engineer at FPT. She has more than 12 yr of experience in process engineering related to oil and gas and petrochemical industries. She specializes in
process design and analysis, engineering calculations, simulation and optimization, and onsite technical support and troubleshooting.
Boul, J. - Forum Process Technologies, Houston, Texas
Jonathan Boul is the Product Manager for Forum’s oil treating technologies. A former nuclear submariner, he began his career in the electrostatic field with Petreco in the early 2000s. He continued his work there until joining Forum upon its acquisition of Howe-Baker.
Collins, T. - Forum Process Technologies, Houston, Texas
Tom Collins is the Vice President of FPT. With more than 37 yr of experience in desalting, he focuses on technical sales, process review, desalter design, troubleshooting, training, optimization and business development. Mr. Collins began his career at Petreco in 1980 servicing desalters worldwide, and has spent his entire career in the desalting field.
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