Improve welding technology for heavy-wall pressure vessels in creep-resistant steel
The standard practice recommended for high-pressure vessels with heavy wall thickness requires the implementation of weld joint preparation with a narrow gap technique. This generally calls for a two-beads-per-layer sequence, along with the use of the submerged arc welding (SAW) process.
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The Authors
Alberini, S. - Belleli Energy CPE, Mantova, Italy
Stefano Alberini ia a Welding Engineer at Belleli Energy CPE Srl and has 10 yr of experience as a certified welding engineer. He received his MS degree in mechanical engineering from Bologna University in Italy in 2003, and has been certified as an International Welding Engineer (IWE) by the Italian Institute of Welding since 2006.
Fusari, F. - Belleli Energy CPE, Mantova, Italy
Fausto Fusari is Vice President of Technology at Belleli Energy CPE in Mantova, Italy. Mr. Fusari began his career at the Belleli Energy CPE Mantova shop as a welding engineer in 1980, and was appointed Welding Engineering Supervisor in 1989. He earned a master’s degree in welding engineering in 1977.
Musti, M. - Belleli Energy CPE, Mantova, Italy
Michele Musti has worked at Belleli Energy CPE since 1983, and is presently a Welding Engineer Supervisor. He is certified as an International Welding Technologist (IWT).
Marangoni, P. - Belleli Energy CPE, Mantova, Italy
Paolo Marangoni is the Quality and Welding Manager for Belleli Energy CPE Srl. He has been certified as an International Welding Engineer (IWE) since 2009, Level 3 according to ISO 9712 and SNT-TC-1A in UT, RT, MT, PT and VT. He received his MS degree in mechanical engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy in 2006.
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