Evaluate structural stiffness for piping stress analysis
Hydrocarbon plants use a system of pipes of various sizes, pressures and temperatures. Sometimes these pipes have pulsating flows that result in piping system vibration. These piping systems must be designed for a high degree of reliability, which requires a comprehensive piping stress analysis for thermal, sustained, occasional and dynamic loading conditions.
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The Authors
Choudhury, M. G. - Reliance Engineering Group (REG), Mumbai, India
M. G. Choudhury is Engineering Manager at Reliance Engineering Group in Mumbai, India. His major area of expertise is plant engineering, with an emphasis on piping and pipe stress. He has 40 yr of working experience in piping design and engineering. He has also performed work for Engineers India Ltd., Toyo Engineering Corp., Chemtex and SABIC.
Tripathi, R. - Reliance Engineering Group (REG), Mumbai, India
Radharaman Tripathi is a Senior Engineer at Reliance Engineering Group in Mumbai, India. He performs pipe stress analyses for a number of Reliance plants. He also has experience in troubleshooting vibration problems in an operating plant. Mr. Tripathi holds a degree in mechanical engineering.
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