Use your data to its full potential to prevent outages
In a process plant, the safety system is responsible for the protection of personnel, resources and the environment, by taking the plant to a safe state in the event of a fault. However, is the system capable of contributing more to the plant’s uptime and profitability?
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The Author
Creef, B. - HIMA Americas, Inc., Houston, Texas
Buddy Creef is an electrical engineering graduate of Virginia Tech. In various management levels at Modicon, Mr. Creef worked with process industries applying emergency shutdown systems (ESD) before the creation of international standards. As a Vice President of Schneider Electric, he led the process automation and control sales organization that, in the process industries, was focused on ESD. Throughout his years at Modicon and Schneider, he learned the importance of using diverse technologies to ensure the safety of industrial processes.
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