Viewpoint: Standards professionals are crucial to business and industry success
Businesses throughout the oil and gas industry use technical standards—specifications, test methods and guides, among others—as part of the foundation for developing the best processes and products. For example, standards are deeply integrated into how petroleum is refined, tested, stored and transported.
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The Author
Morgan, K. - ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
Katharine Morgan is the President of ASTM International. With more than 30 yr of experience in increasingly strategic and managerial roles at ASTM International, Ms. Morgan is a respected leader in the global standards community. Ms. Morgan began her career at ASTM supervising the standards development work of several technical committees. She has held other leadership roles at ASTM, including Director, General Manager of the Technical Committee Support Department and Vice President of Technical Committee Operations. She is a member of the American National Standards Institute’s Board of Directors, the Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives, the International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization, the Society for Standards Professionals (SES) and the American Society of Association Executives, and a former member of the Standards Council of Canada’s Standards Development Organization Advisory Committee. Ms. Morgan holds a BCh degree in chemical engineering from Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, and an MBA degree from Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania.
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