Enhanced flash zone design for coker fractionators
Since the flash zone is the first process undergone by the coke drum effluent vapor upon entering the column, the operation of the flash zone is critical to the operation of the entire coker fractionator column.
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The Authors
Thomas, C. - Bechtel Corp., Houston, Texas
Cyrus Thomas has 38 yr of experience in engineering and construction, and has worked at Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemicals Inc. for 28 yr.
Spalding, M. - Bechtel Corp., Houston, Texas
Michael Spalding has been a Coking Mechanical Specialist with Bechtel Hydrocarbon Technology Solutions Inc. (BHTS) for the past 5 yr.
Patel, D. - Bechtel Corp., Houston, Texas
Divyesh Patel is a Senior Mechanical Engineer at Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemicals Inc. He has more than 10 yr of experience in engineering and construction for the refining, petrochemicals and LNG industries.
Varma, H. - Bechtel Corp., Houston, Texas
Hardik Varma is a Senior Process Engineer with Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemicals Inc. He has more than 9 yr of experience in areas that include delayed coking, petrochemicals, refining, LNG, coal gasification and fertilizers.
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