Address damage mechanism reviews in a process hazard analysis
Performing damage mechanism reviews (DMRs) to determine credible degradation modes and susceptibilities of processing equipment has become an important step in developing effective mechanical integrity plans in the refining, chemical processing and related industries.
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The Authors
Rehmat, T. - ABS Group, Houston, Texas
Tazim S. Rehmat is a Senior Engineer at ABS Group with more than 15 yr of experience in risk assessment, compliance auditing, PSM, PHA, PHA revalidation, LOPA, SIL analysis and refinery engineering/operations. Ms. Rehmat assists oil refineries in interpreting and implementing the State of California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety and Health GISO §5189.1 PSM for Petroleum Refineries (Cal/OSHA PSM regulation). She has developed webinars, published and peerreviewed papers, and presented workshops. She now provides training services in the areas of safety culture, hierarchy of controls analysis, safeguard protection analysis, damage mechanism reviews and human factors program development. Ms. Rehmat holds a BS degree in chemical engineering and is a member of the International Society of Automation.
Montgomery, R. - ABS Group, Houston, Texas
Randy Montgomery is Senior Director of Midstream and Downstream for ABS Group. He has more than 30 yr of experience in the areas of reliability, maintenance, integrity management, process safety, operations and process engineering, including 13 yr of industrial experience. Mr. Montgomery has performed dozens of integrity management program gap analyses and audits, and has designed and implemented improved integrity management programs at numerous facilities in all types of process industries. These projects have included the identification of critical equipment, the development and implementation of management systems, and the identification and implementation of asset maintenance and integrity failure management strategies using traditional, prescriptive approaches as well as risk-based approaches, such as reliability centered maintenance and risk-based inspection.
Whittle, D. - ABS Group, Houston, Texas
David Whittle is Senior Director of Process Safety for ABS Group. He is also an instructor of PHA, revalidation, advanced PHA and PSM/RMP compliance auditing courses for ABS Group Training Services. With more than 35 yr of experience in process safety and risk assessment for a wide range of domestic and international clients in the oil, gas and chemical industries, he has led, reviewed, participated and/or audited more than 1,500 PHAs/revalidations. Mr. Whittle has authored and/or reviewed numerous related AIChE CCPS industry guidance books. He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from Vanderbilt University.
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