Pyrometer temperature measurement corrections ensure reliable reformer operation
Here, errors in measuring TWTs are analyzed, and examples are presented to illustrate the importance of correcting for these errors to obtain accurate TWT measurements.
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The Authors
Daher, M. - Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pennsylvania
Majd Daher is an advanced process controls engineer in the hydrogen and syngas business at Air Products. He has developed tools and processes to capture and correct reformer temperatures across the Air Products global fleet. Most recently, he has developed and implemented model predictive control applications for the optimization of hydrogen plants. Mr. Daher holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from the Pennsylvania State University.
Smith IV, O. J. - Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pennsylvania
Oliver J. Smith IV is the global operations excellence lead for the hydrogen and syngas business at Air Products, where he has 25 years of experience in the industrial gas business. He has authored more than six patents and numerous journal articles in the areas of process optimization and asset utilization. Dr. Smith holds a BChe degree from the University of Delaware and a PhD in chemical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.
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