Improve refinery margins with new crude selection concept
A refinery with an active crude selection strategy encompassing dedicated staff, preapproval of all new crudes and an updated crude acceptance window can gain $0.5/bbl–$1/bbl vs. a more passive strategy.
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The Authors
Knudsen, P. U. - Statoil Refining Denmark, Kalundborg, Denmark
studied chemical engineering at the Technical University of Denmark. He has worked in scheduling, planning and economics at different refineries for more than 25 years. He has worked at Kuwait Petroleum and Shell, and he now has a position as an advisor in planning and economics at Statoil, in a group that is dedicated to crude optimization and crude risk assessment. He holds an MS degree in chemical engineering.
Maleki, S. - Frontline Systems, Inc., Incline Village, Nevada
received her PhD in industrial engineering from the University of Tennessee. She works at Frontline Systems as a consulting lead and modeling specialist. As part of her work, she assists companies around the world in deploying business analytics. She also develops and presents educational webinars on data mining, optimization, simulation and risk analysis. She has built models for applications such as network design, supply chain simulation and optimization, facility location, 3D layout optimization, scheduling and “lean healthcare” resource utilization.
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