Consider rapid new controller developments via adaptive process control
A new set of innovative technologies are having a significant impact on advanced process control (APC) methodology, applications development and sustainability.
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The Authors
Lodolo, S. - Aspen Technology, Italy
Stefano Lodolo is a Senior Manager Solution Consultant with Aspen Technology in Italy. He works with customers throughout Europe in APC and other process optimization areas. Mr. Lodolo manages the APC and optimization consultants in Europe and drives business development for major oil and gas companies. He has 35 yr of APC field experience in the refining, chemical and petrochemical industries. Mr. Lodolo has successfully implemented more than 100 multivariable predictive control and other optimization projects on a wide variety of process units. He earned an MS in chemical engineering from Bologna University, Italy.
Esposito, A. - eni S.p.A. Refining and Marketing Division, Rome, Italy
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