Accurately predict viscosity of syncrude blends
An evaluation for mixing rules uncovers potential errors
in fluid transportation of bitumen-based feeds
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The Authors
Ha, H. Z. - Fluor Canada Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Harry Z. Ha is a Process Engineering Manager at Fluor Canada Ltd. and has over 30 yr of experience in the oil and gas industry. Dr. Ha joined Fluor in 2005 and has been working on oilsands extraction, heavy oil upgrading, petroleum refining and petrochemical projects. In addition to process design, he focuses on data and methods development to support process modeling and simulations. Dr. Ha is a Technical Fellow at Fluor in dynamic simulations and also a key member in Fluor’s global Methods and Data group. He has published more than 40 technical papers in his area of research. Dr. Ha holds an MS degree in environmental engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Alberta in Canada.
Koppel, P. - Fluor Canada Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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