Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Mokhatab, S.

Consultant, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Saeid Mokhatab is a world-class expert in the natural gas processing industry who has worked on the design and operation of several gas processing plants, and has contributed to gas processing technology improvements through 300 technical papers and two well-known handbooks published by Elsevier in the US. He has held technical advisory positions for leading professional journals, societies and conferences in the field of gas processing, and has received a number of international awards in recognition of his outstanding work in the natural gas industry.

Liquefaction technology selection for baseload LNG plants

Consultant: Mokhatab, S.
Bechtel Corp.: Messersmith, D.

As global liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade continues to rapidly expand, the challenge of liquefaction process selection—a key element of an LNG project—becomes increasingly important.

Optimize LNG production through contaminant mitigation—Part 2

Pall Corp.: Wines, T. H.
Consultant: Mokhatab, S.
Pall France: Trifilieff, O.

The production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) requires a number of stages to effectively purify the feed gas. These stages are essential to maintain continuous operation and to meet product specifications. Liquid and solid contamination issues are common in many feed gas purification operations and can cause severe problems with equipment fouling, leading to additional expenses in maintenance and equipment repair, reduced production capacity and even unscheduled shutdowns.

Optimize LNG production through contaminant mitigation—Part 1

Pall Corp.: Wines, T. H.
Consultant: Mokhatab, S.
Pall France: Trifilieff, O.

The production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) requires a number of stages to effectively purify the feed gas. These stages are essential to maintain continuous operation and to meet product specifications.

Monetize coal seam gas via LNG with optimized treating and liquefaction processes

Consultant: Mokhatab, S.
University of Queensland: Towler, B. F.

Coal seam gas (CSG) has been established as a viable source of natural gas. The monetization of CSG resources through LNG projects experienced rapid expansion in recent years as a result of increasing LNG prices.

Handling mercaptans in gas processing plants

Consultant: Mokhatab, S.
Northrop Consulting: Northrop, P. S.

With the continued development of sour gas fields around the world, the removal of mercaptans from gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon streams is becoming a challenge for today’s gas processing plants.

Cylindrical hull concept improves design for offshore FLNG production

Sevan Marine ASA: Odeskaug, L.
Consultant: Mokhatab, S.

As demand for natural gas remains high, the development of offshore stranded gas fields via floating liquefied natural gas production technology will aid sustained growth.

Is your antifoam compatible with the amine system?

Sarkhoon & Qeshm Gas Treating Company: Atash Jameh, A.
Consultant: Mokhatab, S.
Sarkhoon and Qeshm Gas Treating Company: Gharaghoosh, A. Z.  |  Shazadeh, A. G.

Several options help minimize operation costs and mitigate unscheduled shutdowns

Gas refineries can benefit from installing a flare gas recovery system

Consultant: Mokhatab, S.
University of Tehran: Vatani, A.  |  Zadakbar, O.

Take a look at these environmental and economic paybacks

Designing and troubleshooting stabilization plant filtration systems—Part 1

Sarkhoon & Qeshm Gas Treating Company: Atash Jameh, A.  |  Bazargani, S.  |  Zamani Gharaghoosh, A.
Consultant: Mokhatab, S.
Bid Boland II Gas Treatmeant Plant Project: Rahimi, S.

Compatability of the filter cartridge media with the plant feed is a major consideration

What are the opportunities to construct liquefaction facilities at the Arctic Circle?

Consultant: Mokhatab, S.
David Wood & Associates: Wood, D. A.

Building and operating natural gas plants in the high latitudes pose numerous challenges

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